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Space Florida/The Boeing Company
Kennedy Space Center, Florida

As the Shuttle program ended, and after a series of new plans formulated to focus on the commercial realm of space access, the BRPH aerospace team transformed the former Orbiter Processing Facility 3 (OPF-3) into the new Commercial Crew & Cargo Processing Facility (C3PF). The C3PF underwent an extensive, multi-phase retrofit to reconfigure it into the first manufacturing plant ever built for human spacecraft in Florida. It is now home to Boeing’s Crew Space Transportation (CST-100) space capsule, Starliner.

The team’s work included design and installation of a command-and-control center and upgraded office spaces on the second floor, a customer entrance area on the first floor, along with an upgraded break room for employees also on the first floor. BRPH also provided design and construction services for the demolition and modernization of the Orbiter Processing Facility 3 (OPF 3) and the Processing Control Center (PCC).

BRPH developed design packages identifying the requirements for the modifications, new systems and new functional uses: The high bay is now used for processing the crew module of the CST-100. The low bay (formerly the SSMEPF) is now used for processing the service module. The off-line processing area (formerly in the low bay) is now used for storage of materials. The second floor has been reconfigured and upgraded to create a Mission Control Center, office areas, break room and customer entrance operations. BRPH also provided value engineering (VE) analysis on the existing Hazardous Processing Area (HPA) design to mitigate construction costs.